Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tagged! 25 Things About Me

Hey guys! So I was tagged by Penny Rose over at Pinkandpetals for the 25 Things About Me Tag! So here you guys go, learning 25 different things about me!

1) I've gone sky diving in 2012!
2) I play the piano and violin
3) I'm absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter. Like, no joke. I can go one about Harry Potter for days!
4) I have never used a curling iron on myself...so I made the splurge and bought a NuMe Curling Wand. We'll see how this goes >.>
5) I LOVE lip products. Those are my favorite makeup products.
6) I am attempting to do a blog post every day for July... we'll see how that works out!
7) I'm 5'2
8) I have more dresses than I have day to day clothes.... as in...I can probably go for a month on just wearing dresses! I have way too many LBDs!
9) I also have a purse obsession. D: I have way too many!
10) Pink is my favorite color
11) I am currently undergoing laser hair removal!
12) I have a heck of a lot more drugstore products in my collection than I do high end products
13) I'm the kinda girl that usually either wears a full face of makeup or none at all. Even on a "natural" makeup look I will still end up using 10+ products
14) I have an addiction to Korean Dramas. They are like crack.
15) I really want to join the Peace Corps!
16) I love historical fiction. Especially Tudor and Georgian era.
17) I almost always watch movies with subtitles...even if the movie is in English
18) I love couponing and finding great bargains!
19) I'm a messy person! My room always looks like a bomb has exploded in it!
20) If I can only own one kind of jewelry, it will be pearls! I adore it to death!
21) I absolutely adore watching makeup videos and reading up on blogs for inspiration!
22) The contents of my makeup bag is notoriously the most expensive thing I carry with me on a day to day basis.
23) I recently got into the habit of doing my nails, usually they are never done!
24) I went on an alternative spring break trip to Gesundheit in West Virginia! Absolutely a life changing experience!
25) Chinese food is my favorite type of cusine, it even trumps Vietnamese food!

I tag the following lovely ladies!
Cyndi from In Search of Beauty
Elizabeth from Undeniably, me
Kallie from But First, Coffee
Nikki from Fairestfavorites
Sarah from Eyeshadow Addicts Anonymous

What do we have in common? Let me know in the comment section below!

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