Friday, July 19, 2013

Fantastic Fridays 7/19/13

Saturday 7/13/13
- MCAT Studying: Physics

Sunday 7/14/13
- MCAT Studying: Physics >.<

Monday 7/15/13
- MCAT Class Day, featuring Verbal Section!

Tuesday 7/16/13
-Posted Tips on a "No Makeup" Makeup Look
-Work Day!

Wednesday 7/17/13
- Posted Wishlist Wednesday: Drugstore Makeup Products
- Went on 2 Lunch Dates today!
- MCAT Studying! Physics Time :)

Thursday 7/18/13
- Posted Independence Day + Haul
- Had another Lunch Date today as well as a seperate Boba date today!
- MCAT Physics and Verbal Studying!

Friday 7/19/13
- Laser Appointment and Microdermabrasion Appointment today!
- Got my eyebrows threaded today...and not happy with how they look. This is why you should not change the place where you get your eyebrows done >.<
- Going to a trampoline arena with my sister! SO PUMPED.

Random thoughts throughout the week:
- I'M FINALLY GOING TO GET TEXTING. 20 years old and my asian parents finally caved in to buying the texting plan! Should be getting it by the end of the month :)
- Skin has been going NUTS. So I haven't worn any face makeup for a week now and have been drinking water like crazy.
- I really want more Mac Makeup.... like I really want more Mac Makeup >.<.
- I really should try to finish more of my products for Project 10 Pan... but I got so many nice new products recently that it's been difficult!
- I'm about to hit pan on all my skincare products... I'm totally dreading this moment. But, I'll have empties up for you guys by the end of this month! Should be a significant amount of products... LOL.

How was your week? Let me know in the comment section below.

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