Thanks to my friend Courtney, an RL friend who also runs the tumblr blog lifeaftertheib, she made me enact a spending ban. For those of you who may or may not know, my Project 10 Pan did not go as well as hoped... I have purchased so many products since enacting it (on the bright side though, I have hit pan on all but those three products)!
So, you may wonder, what would this spending ban entail? I am not allowed to buy anything for myself for the next 42 days. Why 42 days you may ask? Cause Courtney as a thing for Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (and I unfortunately do not get this reference because I haven't read the book). This will include makeup, clothes, skincare, and hair care. As such, the spending ban will go until March 6, 2014. It's not a long spending ban, but I am hoping that it will be an effective one. Adding clothes into the mixture makes it harder for me, so it will be a challenge.
I only have two exceptions to this spending ban. The first one is any presents for friends and family are not included in this. The second exception is that the any spending for the future makeup swap with Vanessa over at Citronandguavaberry doesn't count (and it's starting to look like a crazy amount!)
Have your spending bans been successful? Let me know in the comment section below!