Thursday, January 2, 2014

5 Blogging Goals for 2014!

Happy new year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years!

1) Connecting with more bloggers!
I would love to connect with more bloggers in 2014. I love meeting new people and so it would be great connecting with other bloggers! Had a blast with everyone who I've talked to this year and I can't wait to meet more of you!

2) Getting a posting schedule down...and sticking to it!
This one has been difficult for me this past year...mainly because school keeps getting crazy and I'm not writing in advance. I'm hoping to guarantee three posts a week, and them being a day apart from one another and at least one Youtube video a week! We'll see how this works out!

3) Staying up to date on the latest product/beauty trends!
I've been pretty decent about this, but not the best. For a newer blogger, I will have to say this is extremely difficult especially since my funds aren't stellar (college student here)! Hopefully though, I will be able to give more insight on the latest products and trends more in the Beauty World!

4) Creating more quality blog posts!
If you see my posts from June to now, you can see that there has been a huge difference in quality of pictures and writing! I hope that this trend will continue and that I will be able to create more quality posts for you guys!

5) Having more variety with my blog
I want to try to incorporate other things into my blog beside makeup and beauty. Maybe a resurgence of Fantastic Fridays so I can keep in touch with my readers? Or maybe book reviews and food reviews since I eat and read a lot :B

What are your blogging goals for 2014? Let me know in the comment section below!

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