Monday, June 16, 2014

Review: Sephora Daily Makeup Brush Cleaner and Makeup Brush Shampoo

Hey guys! So today I am going to do a review on a product that is not sexy at all in the makeup and beauty world. As essential as cleaning brushes are, for many of us (or maybe it is just me) brush cleaning is the most hated tasks that I do about once every other week. Because I wasn't sure whether or not I would like the product, I opted to by the smaller version of both makeup brush cleaners (even though I ended up paying more than if I got the bigger size). After over two months of using these two products, I am ready to give you a review!

Claim: Sephora Brand Daily Brush Cleaner is an anti-bacterial daily brush cleaner designed to quickly remove light traces of makeup between applications. Just spray this purifying formula onto a tissue or directly onto brush bristles, then lightly swipe your powder, blush, eye, and lip brushes across tissue for a fabulous dose of freshness. No rinsing needed!
Price: $7 (for 2 oz), $15 (for 6.75 oz)
Size: 2 oz and 6.85 oz 

Now lets start with the Sephora Daily Makeup Brush Cleaner. This is designed to use in between makeup applications and doesn't need washing. The product is dispensed in a spray nozzle. In my experience of using this product, I find that one to two sprays is enough to clean most eye brushes and three to four sprays for most face brushes provided that you don't have several days worth of makeup sitting on the brushes. After I spray the brush cleaner on my brushes, I rub the brushes on either a paper towel or a rag for max of thirty seconds. During that time, I will say the brushes are about 95% clean (especially if it is powder products that was lingering on the brushes)! If there were liquid products, the brush would be about 80% clean. The brush air dries within three minutes, and then they are ready to use again!

I find that there is no foul scent that lingers on the brushes after I clean them (a huge plus, I hate it when my brushes are smelly). Overall, I really like this product! I primarily use it to clean my eyeshadow brushes on a daily basis, so I can have the best eyeshadow application! I can stand using dirty face brushes, but not eyeshadow brushes (cause it makes my eye makeup look really muddy). I would recommend this to you if you are looking for a quick method to clean your eyeshadow brushes! Will definitely be purchasing a full size of this when I finish it up!

Claim: An anti-bacterial brush shampoo designed to deep clean your brushes once a week. 
Price: $7 (for 2 oz), $15 (for 6.75 oz)
Size: 2 oz and 6.85 oz 

Next, we have the Sephora Makeup Brush Shampoo. Looking at Sephora's website, this has been renamed to the Purifying Brush Shampoo (not 100% sure it is the same product...but it probably is!). This product has a gel-like consistency and is dispensed in a pump. For eye brushes, one pump of the product is suffice to cleaning out all the makeup out of it. For face brushes, it will take between two to four pumps to clean the brushes thoroughly. To clean, I first run the brush under warm water. Then, I dispense the shampoo onto the palm of my hands and using swirling motions I rub the brush onto my hands. Then, when I feel like I have enough product onto the brush I rub it in water to rinse out the shampoo. When using this shampoo, I find that my brushes will dry completely overnight and not be wet at all the next day (huge bonus considering how I only use the same couple of brushes!)

Like the Daily Makeup Brush Cleaner, this does not have a scent linger on the brushes (unlike the Sonia Kashuk one which did). For the majority of my brushes, the Sephora Makeup Brush Shampoo does wonderfully, cleans it out completely! However, if you are a fan of dense brushes like the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, this brush shampoo does not clean it out completely unfortunately (I'd say about 80%). The brush is still useable and works fine, but I would've really liked it if the shampoo could penetrate the brush a bit more. I have tried cleaning the Expert Face Brush a multitude of times (repeating the motions I have stated above up to three times) with this shampoo and I can not get it completely clean! For other brushes though, I can get it 100% clean with only two pumps with this shampoo. While I do like this makeup brush shampoo, I will definitely try out other makeup brush cleaners to see if there are any that works better! I am almost finished with this product with so I can try out a new makeup brush cleaner soon!

How do you guys clean your makeup brushes? Let me know in the comment section below!

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