Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to School: Tax Free Weekend Haul!

Hello everyone! Today I will be sharing with you what I got during our tax free weekend :) While makeup isn't included during tax free weekend, I did end up buying some beauty products that I needed to stock up on! So without further adieu, here is my haul!

School Supplies:

Index Card Boxes
I can not have enough of these! I abuse index cards so much, so these will be useful!

3 Subject College Ruled Paper
I go through a huge amount of paper, so 3 or 5 subject note books are the best for me! I just go for the generic kind, no need to spend extra money!

Ruled Index Cards
Sad enough, I'm almost positive that I will run out of these index cards by the end of the school year, if not the end of the semester!

Mini Stapler
Definitely a necessity in a pencil case! This cute pattern also makes it even more awesome!

Sharpie Pens
These a huge necessity for me, because I use these to write on really small test tubes in lab!

Pentel Hi-Polymer Erasers
I have a huge tendency to lose erasers, but these are one of the best that I've tried :D They actually erase, unlike some other brands....

Paper Mate Black Pens 
I can never get enough of black pens to hoard. These are pretty decent, they work well and don't bleed through paper!

 G2 Gel Pens
 These are my favorite, all time gel pens! I got the colorful packet so I can emphasize information in my notes! I still need to pick up their regular black and blue pens!

Pencil Case 
I always need something to carry my pencils/pens/everything else in! I just picked up a generic kind :)

Regardless of what grade you are in, scissors are useful for a projects and whatnot! I picked these up cause I have a little sister, don't want to poke her with them ;)

Bic Mechanical Pencils
I rarely use pencils nowadays, but these are pretty decent! I keep them around for bubbling exam sheets and for math problems :D

Pentel 0.7 mm Lead and Eraser Kit
By having mechanical pencils, one would also need one of these to refill the lead and for when erasers on those pencils die!

Paper Mate Black and Blue Pens
I just realized how many pens I bought! These are probably my least favorite (probably because there are others that are more comfortable), but they work just fine. 

Sharpie Highlighters
Highlighters are a necessity when you want to emphasize details and for note taking!

Paper Mate Blue Pens 
Another batch of Paper Mate Pens! This time they are blue! A girl has to switch it up once in awhile now right!

5 Rain Gum
Gum, for me, is a necessity to have when I'm studying or during exam times. So I'm starting to stock up on my gum stash!


Almay Oil-Free Makeup Remover Wipes
For when you are in a rush, these makeup remover wipes work miracles :D  

Nars Sample Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base
Received as a 100 point perk at Sephora when I bought my sister an atomizer!

Neutrogena Oil Free Makeup Remover
I'm always in need of a new makeup remover, and I always go back to this one!

Philosophy Sample Microdelivery Exfoliating Face Wash
Received this as a sample from Sephora, can't wait to try this out!

Real Techniques Blush Brush
Been dying to try the Real Techniques line for some time! I'e already tried this brush and washed it! Got a good impression out of it :D Review shall be up for all these brushes eventually!

Real Techniques Core Collection Kit
Talk about a beautiful collection here. In this kit, you get the Buffing Brush, Contour Brush, Pointed Foundation Brush, and Detailer Brush. Can't wait to try them out!

Real Techniques Expert Face Brush
Everyone raves about this brush for foundation, so I figured I would have to try out. Got a good impression already :D Must buy more when Ulta has a sale and coupons :D

I still have to pick a couple more supplies for school, but this is what I have right now :D What are your back to school essentials? What did you guys purchase recently? :Let me know in the comments below!

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