Disclaimer: Stock photo from So-ghislaine on Deviantart
Hey guys! I hope you had a wonderful New Years! Today I will be sharing with you my blogging goals for 2015. I did a similar post back for 2014, so I figured I'd share with you what has changed (and what hasn't) :B.
1) Connect more with my readers
While this blog has been primarily beauty based, I am hoping to work on getting more personal with my readers. This may mean giving some life tidbits, more snapshots of my life, and other things that I can't think of as I write this. I have a monthly series in mind that might help shake things up a bit more.
2) Be more consistent blogger
I've really slacked on my blog this past year and let school and other commitments get in the way of things. Last year I set a high goal for myself (that I flaked on within a month or so). This year however, I am being smarter and setting a goal I feel I can stand to. I plan on doing a minimum of four blog posts a month (once a week) and two youtube videos a month (and monthly favorites and empties will not be included in this). I feel this is a much more achievable goal and I go crazy trying to balance my life out.
3) Learning more of code
My blog layout is now over a year old and I kind of want it to have a face lift. While I can't fork out hundreds of dollars to get a customized blog layout, I can learn more coding and spruce things up a bit here. Hopefully I can get a new layout sooner rather than later. Plus, one of the perks of learning code is that I can troubleshoot when something is off!
4) Not impulse buying
I am incredibly guilty of impulse buying especially if I am in a good mood (and even more so if I am in a bad mood). While there is an increasingly amount of makeup being added to the market nowadays, I think that I can kinda lay low for awhile and not buy makeup for quite some time! There are plenty of products I want to finish before I buy more products, so I definitely am going to try to work on that more.
5) Play with photography a bit more
My photos have definitely increased in quality the past year, but I definitely want to work on it still (there is always room for improvement)! I'm hoping to save up enough money so I can buy a new lens so I can shoot in low lighting and the quality to come out 10X better (if anyone has a recommendation for a good Nikon lens please do let me know, I'm just using the standard lens at the moment). I also need to pick up a book or two and try to get more tips on how to photograph objects (aka makeup) and people a lot better. Taking a photography class two semesters ago has helped, but I'm needing more inspiration!
What are your goals for 2014? Let me know in the comment section below!