Friday, June 21, 2013

Fantastic Fridays! 6/21/13

-Posted a challenge to myself, Project 10 Pan! Check out and see what products I choose :) I'm hoping that this will be finished before the end of Summer and beginning of Schoolyear...but we'll have to see now won't we ;)
-Work day at the Orthodontics!

- Father's Day Lunch at Chinese restaurant. We had delicious Dim Sum there! I'm so addicted to Chinese its not even funny lol
- MCAT study date with bestie!
- After we studied for our respective exams, my bestie and I went to the GYM! It was an arms & abs day!

- Lit class and MCAT class!
- Gym day as well! It was legs day!


-Work Day! The picture above is the makeup I wore to work (that I later ended up posting on Thursday!) I also hit pan on my first product for Project 10 Pan! It was the Elf Eyeshadow Palette in Neutral! I plan on hitting pan on all six eyeshadows though, so this eyeshadow set isn't finished just yet!

-Lit Class!
-Went to Panera for a light lunch of Chicken Noodle Soup!
-Posted my Top 10 Drugstore Items, focusing on Makeup.
-Discovered what bloglovin' was... and made an account. Feel free to follow me if you are interested in seeing my updates!


-Went into the lab today, and posted the Face of the Day Makeup from Tuesday!

-Last day of Summer classes! Ended up staying up late to finish up my paper! Now all I have left is my MCAT class!
-Posted my review of the Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation!
-Father-daughter date later on tonight! Have no idea where yet though :B

How has your week been? Let me know in the comment section below!

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